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Cheryl and I were married on July 14, 2002 in front of many of our close friends and family. It was the most wonderful day of our lives. OK, maybe next to the birth of our two wonderful children, Aidan and Aleia. Anyway, every year we like to watch our wedding video on our anniversary and we would like to share a little of it with you. So sit back and enjoy some of the highlights of our wedding day…

Our vows to each other…

Cheryl, you are an amazing person. Without you I don’t know where I’d be. Having you in my life completes an fulfills every part of me. You are: The smile on my face, The beat of my heart, The tear in my eye, thought of my day. You are: My world. Thank you for making my life so much more meaningful. I love you.

Aaron, I loved you before I met you. When as a little girl I dreamed of what love would look like and feel. I fell in love with you when we met, and you put into words all of my thoughts and ideals. I love you more each day. As you show me how incredibly Kind, Caring, and Wonderful a man can be.